The Oregon Trail Center is doing as well as it can with these exceptional times. Like you we are finding new ways to do things. Our pioneers did this on a daily basis while on the trail. They experienced hardships, struggles, joy and pain. Every day their lives were completely different from what they knew back home.
They were challenged to take what happened to them every day and make the best of it. Sometimes when things happened they were inspired to do things differently. They often found that the new way of doing things was much more simple and made their life better. Every pioneer learned daily the difference between their wants and their needs.
Many immigrants were inexperienced at traveling by wagon. They had no experience taking care of and driving oxen. Many had never slept out under the stars before. They learned these skills as they traveled the trail. Members of their wagon train would help them learn and gain experience. The wagon trains became a rolling community.
We at the Oregon Trail Center love our guests! We are used to having between 48-50,000 visitors per summer. We love teaching about the Oregon Trail and the pioneers who traveled it. May be some of you have been here and experienced our Living History Tour. This is an adventure in time travel, where you become a pioneer and travel the trail.
Sadly this year we are unable to open as early as we have in the past due to the COVID-19. But like the pioneers we have decided to do things differently! We will be starting a YouTube channel with videos about the trail. Our channel is called: OregonCaliforniaTrailCenter. We are starting a new blog that can be viewed on our website: www.oregontrailcenter.org. Our Facebook page is: The National Oregon/California Trail Center. We still want to connect with you so feel free to visit our website to see the new and exciting things we are doing.
We were blessed with a grant from the SBA Pay Check Protection Program which allows our employees to continue to work and receive a pay check. To support our employees and this wonderful facility through this unique time we need you to view our videos, like and subscribe to our channel. We would also love to hear from you. Please feel free to comment on this blog, or send us an e-mail about what you would like to see on our channel.Our email address is: info@oregontrailcenter.org.
Our goal during this unique time is to become a rolling community that helps one another gain confidence, learn new skills and travel comfortably along life's trail.
Happy Trails!